Saturday, February 22, 2014

Why #foreveralone is not okay!

"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." -Psalm 37:4

You know what has become one of my biggest pet peeves lately? Putting yourself down. As girls, we are so quick to compare ourselves to other people and put ourselves down. You know who we're helping? No one. You know how much good that's doing? None. Now I won't pretend that I have never put myself down, because I certainly have. But, it's time to stop. 

And, I think part of this starts with this new-found notion that just because we don't have a boyfriend at age 16, 21, 30, etc. we are destined to be #foreveralone. We are so quick to use this phrase. "Oh, I look so rachet today #foreveralone." "I just ate a pint of ice cream, 20 oreos, and 15.2 girl scout cookies #foreveralone." We are all guilty of saying these things and more, myself included. But, you know what this says? I am alone because of me not because of any plan God has for my life. 

God's plans are so much greater than the sweatpants we rock everyday or the oreo, extra oreo milkshakes we consume almost weekly. His plans include the desires of our heart. That's a big deal! God has placed certain desires within us and He knows just when and how to fulfill these desires. Am I saying that every girl's desire is to be someone's wifey? No, but it is one that comes up a lot. And, by us constantly saying #foreveralone, I feel like we are basically saying that God won't ever fulfill the desires He has given us. And, to me, that just isn't Biblical.

But, this verse also says something else. It says, "Delight yourself in the Lord..." What does this mean for us? It means that we should take delight in who we do have in our life: a God who sent His son to die on a cross FOR US! That's really all we could ever need, but God chooses to give us much more than that. He gives us family and friends and the desires of our heart. So, on top of His rich love, grace, and mercy, God ices the cake with the desires of our heart. He loves us so much that He is willing to give us what we desire. This desire could be a job, a husband, etc. But, we have to trust in what God can do and not rely on ourselves. 

Romans 8:25 says, "But, if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently." If your desire has not been filled yet, then you should hope for the desires of your heart and then wait for them patiently. You know what this means? It means STOP putting yourself down, and, STOP comparing your love life with others. Because, ultimately, you have no idea what God's plan for your life includes and your desires could change tomorrow. God knows just what we need, when we need it. So, STOP being that person who claims to be #foreveralone. I know, I know this is easier said than done, but it starts with you believing just what Psalm 37:4 says.   


  1. Thank you for this! It hit on a few things I am dealing with personally! How you explained this is good!

    1. Thank you! I know God gives us just what we need to hear when we need to hear it from a variety of sources!
